Saturday, 18 July 2015

Braid tutorial

I am a huge Pinterest fan and I always pin any sort of braid tutorial. I'm going to take a few actually try them myself so here is a blog/review of a tutorial. Gosh that's a lot of layers. 

I am reviving the first ever tutorial I tried from my last blog because it was one of my favourite styles and I think it's a super easy one for a beginner. 

Here is the original photo from Pinterest which first sparked my interest. 

PHOTO CREDIT- This photo was unsourced on Pinterest, but it is watermarked Heidi Marie Garrett. I will always try to credit sources where I can.

I love how sophisticated this hairstyle looks and I think it could be relaxed by teasing the plats a little for a more messy look. 

Here is what you will need for this style

1. About 10 bobby pins
2. Hairspray
3. Texturising mist or beach hair spray for straight hair
4. Four small bobbles – ideally the same or similar colour to your hair colour
5. Optional decorative hair accessory.

I am always looking for new things to do with my hair, especially because it’s so wavy and occasionally resembles that of captain caveman (I sound old, I know). So when I found this one I thought oh that sounds fairly straight forward… The backcombing was really effective, I think the texture of my hair being slightly wavy helped with the volume. I added lots of hairspray at this point but if your hair is fine or naturally straight Id recommend some beach hair spray or a texturising mist. 

This is where I incurred my first problem, my hair is just below shoulder length, so ideally not long enough to perfectly mimic the end result of the girl in the tutorial photo.
But this didn’t stop me from trying to make it work! Half an hour invested in this style meant I had to carry on! 

Valiantly I did. 

The tutorial shows the braids going across the back of the girls head, which is beautiful and boheimian and very folklore styled. My hair isn’t long enough to do it effectively so I left the braids down.
The braids are only about a centimetre longer than my shoulders, so even the slightest sarcastic head tilt (a fairly common habit of mine) would flip them all over the place. This is when I pinned them up with bobby pins, towards the centre of my head.

I am not a fan of seeing bobby pins ontop of my hair because I’m weird. So I used some clip in flowers to cover the structuring and make it look a bit more “finished”. 

It stayed in ALL evening and the back-combing was still fairly apparent in the morning after. 

I would recommend this to have a go at! But your hair would have to be at least shoulder length. 

This style took about 20 mins to complete, the decorative flowers make this more of an evening look, but this style can be easily adapted for casual dates or daytime by changing the decoration or by leaving it altogether. 

Give it a try! 

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